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Monday, July 26, 2010


 This month has been kinda crazy. First, I have a kind of wrist injury, and that has sort of impeded the typing for any significant period of time. My right hand and arm hurt from my right pinkie all the way down to my elbow. Not fun. So I went to my doctor and she sent me to have some nerve testing. She said they would just do some nerve tests, no big deal. Well yeah, I got there and they shocked all the muscles in my arm with electricity. I stopped short of crying when they were done. Needless to say I'm not a fan. I still haven't heard anything. We'll see! It's not carpal tunnel though. I've already asked. That's the other side of your arm.

I've also started working again this month. I'm in charge of Peer Assistants at my school with two other teachers. We basically help approximately 90 kids mentor the whole freshman class of kids. So I've been trying to plan and organize their training for the summer. Their training day is this Wednesday and freshman orientation is Friday. This week will be pretty intense, but I'm excited. It's so totally worth it. And has anyone seen If You Really Knew Me on MTV? My PAs do that at my school too. So we're training for that on August 4th. I'm so excited that MTV is finally putting something good and worthwhile and good out there for teenagers, something that might actually help them not feel so alone. And it's cool to know that more people can see what we're doing in high schools all over the country. There are some really good things going on.

So that's what I've been up to. I have two weeks until we start back officially and then everything gets crazy again. I'm really looking forward to it though. I love my job and my kids. :)  The end of summer, ready to go back feeling is great. I think it's going to be a great year!

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